January 22, 2011

Vegan Cupcakes!

Monday, I went to my second session with my Naturopath and got my results I had done my first time there. These results were for an IgG test which is a delayed allergy test.  My results were pretty shocking to myself as most of the foods I eat a lot, I now have to give up. So, I have been doing alright with making my own food and have decided eating out is next to impossible now. I am a vegetarian and am allergic to sunflower seeds and nuts. I can now add eggs, sugar (cane), yeast and dairy to the list of allergies. Pretty discouraging!

Today is day 5 of this new diet.  I decided to try out the cupcake recipe from my new favourite book "The Kind Diet" by Alicia Silverstone, a fellow vegan.

I tried the cornbread recipe from this book on Tuesday, and the results were pretty good! (Although I would personally add less maple syrup as I found these a bit too sweet!)

Photo of cupcake from the book

cupcakes I made myself :)

The cupcakes are very easy to make, though the ingredients are a bit hard to find than if making regular cupcakes. They look nice, and I think they taste amazing! I will admit I was a bit weary of eating them; they do not smell as good as I would like, but the texture and taste are better than some cupcakes I have had in the past!!

So far, this new restricted diet is not bad at all!

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