May 8, 2018

Springtime in Nova Scotia

While home in Nova Scotia for a visit, I plan to experience many sights, different hiking trails, moments by the ocean (for meditation) and of course, will have my camera with me at all times.

Follow along on my Instagram (@aleyahs) and stay tuned for more images!

Peggys Cove (Peggys Point) Lighthouse

("Got Drunk, Fell Down" sculptures by Chris Hanson and Hendrika Sonnenberg)

Crystal Crescent Beach

© 2018 Aleyah Solomon

March 5, 2018

MoMA at the FLV

The colours of the MoMA illuminated the sails of the Fondation Louis Vuitton on the evening of March 3 & 4, 2018 for the closing of Etre moderne: le MoMA à Paris

Video coming soon...

© 2018 Aleyah Solomon